LEAP Management

Power users and Administrators have access to most of Qlector LEAP settings, so most of management can be done in-house. They will also be able to access some additional overviews and reports.


All insights are shown here, and additional filters can be applied:



This section includes the necessary settings for LEAP configuration. Tags are used to control parameters, although some are not meant to be changed.

  • Plants
  • Line-groups
  • Lines
  • Batchop-groups
  • Batchop-locations
  • Stock locations
  • Materials
  • Processes
  • People

The settings in each tab are explained in detail in following subsections.


All plants are listed on the left. Selecting a plant shows details on the right.

  • Plant: Plant name
  • External ID: ID of the plant from ERP
  • Weight: order position of the plant in lists
  • Tags: line settings parameters and their values
  • Lines: A list of lines in this plant. Clicking on a row redirects to Lines tab (see 2.2 Lines)
  • Line-groups: A list of line-groups in this plant
calendar_plant 21 characters long numerical string, each number represents shift of the week 21 characters long numerical string, each number represents shift of the week. 1=open shift, 0=closed shift)
contact_person Contact person Contact person for the plant visible on ‘Help’ menu
contact_person_email Contact person’s e-mail address Contact person’s e-mail address used for ‘mailto’ link on contact person’s menu item
enable_tool_transfer_print Enable tool transfer printing Enable printing of tool transfer document from Tools/list of tool changes/Actions
has_multiple_machines Has multiple machines Indicates whether the plant has work-centers with multiple machines. When turned on, machine_assignment task provides machine assignment data for the plant. It will get data from MES and use historical data to assign an operation to specific machine. If no history is available, default machine is used. If turned off, individual lines can still be defined as multiple_machine, but historical data will not be used for scheduling.
ignore_material_tags Ignore material tags Ignore materials with the tags in the plant. For example: OROD, VERP, LEICH
insight_freeze_order Insight freeze order Controls if we want to compute freeze order change insights
insight_no_work_shifts No work insights horizont Horizont in number of shifts for which we compute no-work insights for lines in the plant
make_to_order Make to order production strategy If true indicates that the plant is using make to order production strategy
microplan_show_setup_code Show setup code on microplan Indicates if material’s setup code should be displayed in work-orders table on microplan
norm_fallback_threshold_h Normative-fallback threshold for duration Threshold for duration below which the duration falls back to normative
plan_import_convert_operation_units Plan import: convert operation measurement untis Convert operation unit of measure to plan unit of measure. Modifies normative values according to alternative unites and conversion factors form SAP. (default false)
plan_import_delivered_quantities Plan import: retrieve delivered quantites Plan import will retrieve quantites delivered for each active order of the given plant. These quantities will need dedicated stock locations to be visible.
plan_import_from_days Plan import from how many days back Indicate how many days is the starting date for importing plan. (will be discontinued). Default:0
plan_import_operation_output_stock_keys Plan import: operation output stock keys Comma separated list of operation output stock keys used for deciding if an operation outputs to stock. Used when importing plan.
plan_import_output_stock_postprocess Plan import: operation output stock post-processing Type of post-processing output stock flag when importing plan.Value nop means no postprocessing. Value external_resolved: uses output_stock that comes through import, but will only consider the last flagged operation as stock output, to ensure that exactly one operation has output stock true for each work order. Value rules: ignores external output_stock and determines which operation outputs to stock based on plant and line settings.(Default external_resolved)
plan_import_planned_orders Import planned orders Flag for importing planned orders for the plant
plan_import_scheduled_statuses Plan import: scheduled status of operations Plan import will retrieve scheduled statuses for all imported operations. If false, all operations will be scheduled in LEAP. If true, the status will depend on the plan_import_scheduled_statuses_skip_sim, which can be set for each line group separately.
plan_sap_lang Plan import language Indicates language for SAP plan data import
planning_table_parallel Parallel orders on planning table Show parallel orders on planning table
planning_table_production_versions Use production versions on planning table Use production versions on planning table
planning_table_save_report Save full report on planning table Add option to save full simulation report on planning table
planning_table_save_to_leap_mode Which data can be saved to server from planning table Which data can be saved to server from planning table
shift_board_support_12h_shifts Supports 12h shifts not in use
show_barcode Show ID order barcode Show ID order barcode in order modal dialog
sim_ignore_earliest_start 24/7 mode Set sim_ignore_earliest_start (24/7) for orders in the plant. Will affect only new orders at future imports.
skip_too_optimistic_fallback_to_normative Skip fallback to normative in cases when model seems too optimistic Skip fallback to normative in cases when model seems too optimistic
stock_forecast_consumed_received_scenario Stock forecast: input materials delivery Show input materials delivery child element in Stock forecast view
stock_forecast_consumed_scenario Stock forecast: input materials Show input materials child element in Stock forecast view
stock_forecast_produced_required_scenario Stock forecast: output materials requirements Show output materials requirements child element in Stock forecast view
stock_forecast_produced_scenario Stock forecast: output materials Show output materials child element in Stock forecast view
stock_requirements_import_types Stock requirements import types Define MRP elements/types of stock requirements to import for the plant
*tools_stock_location Tools stock location Sets stock location for tools in the plant
week_start_shift_offset Start shift week offset The week starts earlier than Monday first shift. This affects the alerts for too many assigned shifts per worker, copying previous week’s schedule etc.
work_schedule_preferred_shifts Work schedule preferred shifts Controls mapping from workday hours to enabled shifts. E.g. if a SAP capacity has 16 hours per day available, LEAP will assume that two whole shifts are enabled and one is closed. This setting defines which two shifts have priority to be open, the last one will remain closed. Once a user changes the default shifts, they will no longer be updated from SAP.
work_schedule_sunday_logic Work schedule sunday logic Controls swapping Friday last shift with Sunday last shift. Orders which are planned for Friday shift 3 will be scheduled on Sunday shift 3 in LEAP.



Matrix view is a list of materials and operations, which can be executed on individual production lines of selected line group. The data is collected from two sources:

  • Alternative production versions of material, if available
  • Historical production data

For each line, a list of observed operations is show, together with percentage of productions on a particular line. Individual Line/Material combination can be enabled or disabled by setting the “magic wand” checkbox. Once disabled, automatic planning will not consider this line as a possible solution for this operation.


automatic_scheduling Automatic scheduling If false, only manual scheduling will be possible.  
batch_op Batch op Flag indicating that this line-group represents batch operations, e.g. aging furnaces. This setting will affect available views for this line-group.  
copy_week_strategy Week-copying strategy Strategy for copying shift assignments from previous week, for all lines in this linegroup.  
day_shift_assignment_format Day shift assignment format Parameter which defines what shifts are exported in the daily export of the shifts report. Option 123 means export selected day’s morning, afternoon and night shifts. 231 means export selected day’s afternoon and night shifts and the following day’s morning shift.  
derived_stock_status_visible Derived stock status visible Flag indicating that this line-group will have an additional stocks view visible, named “Aged materials”. Aged materials are created in LEAP and are not visible in ERP, and provide an additional insight into stocks of material in different stages of ageing. See Stocks-Aged materials  
gannt Gantt If true, Gantt chart will be available for this line-group.  
gantt_min_day_width Gantt min day width Optional parameter which defines minimal number of pixles one day should take in gantt chart. Default value is ‘40’.  
gantt_number_of_days Gantt number of days Optional parameter, which defines how many days are shown on the Gantt chart. Default value is ‘28’.  
gantt_past_weeks Gantt past weeks Optional parameter, which defines how many past weeks are shown on the Gantt chart. Default value is given by the simulation ‘1’.  
gantt_show_empty_lines Show empty lines on Gantt chart Indicates if empty lines should be shown on Gantt chart  
gantt_show_history Gantt show history Sets the default value of ‘Show history’ option in Gantt chart. Default value is true.  
has_pool Has pool Parameter which indicates that this line-group uses pool for assigning workers to shifts. The workers will be scheduled to a Pool line’s shifts in the first step, and to individual lines in the second step. One Pool-type line has to be present in the Linegroup if pool mode is used.  
hide_in_navigation Hide in navigation If true, this line-group will be hidden from GUI navigation  
microplan Microplan If true, Microplan view will be available for this line-group.  
microplan_gantt_number_of_days Microplan gantt number of days Optional parameter, which defines how many days are shown on the Gantt chart when showing a single production line. Default values is ‘28’.  
microplan_gantt_show_history Microplan gantt show history Optional parameter, which defines if the single production line Gantt chart in microplan view shows history. Default is true  
microplan_recalc_on_save Microplan recalc on save Immediately run new full simulation in the background on plan changes in microplan. Default is false  
microplan_refresh_minutes Microplan refresh report every (minutes) Refresh report on microplan page (in minutes)  
microplan_show_alternative_unit Show alternative unit on microplan Indicates if alternative unit should be shown on microplan  
microplan_show_order_table Microplan show order table Optional parameter, which defines if order table is shown in Microplan view. Default is true  
microplan_show_order_table_expected_completion Show expected completion in work orders table on microplan Indicates if expected completion should be shown in work orders table on microplan (only if microplan_show_order_table_shifts is disabled)  
microplan_show_order_table_expected_start Show expected start in work orders table on microplan Indicates if expected start should be shown in work orders table on microplan (only if microplan_show_order_table_shifts is disabled)  
microplan_show_order_table_external_operation_id Show external operation id in work orders table on microplan Indicates if external operation id should be shown in work orders table on microplan  
microplan_show_order_table_material Show material in work orders table on microplan Indicates if material should be shown in work orders table on microplan  
microplan_show_order_table_material_comment Show material comment in work orders table on microplan Indicates if material comment should be shown in work orders table on microplan  
microplan_show_order_table_operation Show operation in work orders table on microplan Indicates if operation should be shown in work orders table on microplan  
microplan_show_order_table_operation_comment Show operation comment in work orders table on microplan Indicates if operation comment should be shown in work orders table on microplan  
microplan_show_order_table_order_id Show order ID in work orders table on microplan Indicates if order ID should be shown in work orders table on microplan  
microplan_show_order_table_quantity Show quantity in work orders table on microplan Indicates if quantity should be shown in work orders table on microplan  
microplan_show_order_table_shifts Microplan show order shifts Optional parameter, which defines if order table also shows details by individual shifts. Default is false  
microplan_show_order_table_time_to_complete Show time to complete in work orders table on microplan Indicates if time to complete should be shown in work orders table on microplan  
microplan_show_order_table_unscheduled_orders Show unscheduled orders in work orders table on microplan Indicates if unscheduled orders should be shown in work orders table on microplan  
microplan_show_sap_dates Microplan show sap dates Show sap date columns in Microplan order list. Default is true  
microplan_show_shift_table Microplan show shift table Optional parameter, which defines if shift table is shown in Microplan view. Default is true  
microplan_stock_forecast_location Microplan stock forecast location Defines which storage locations are shown by default in modal windows (Input materials, Produced materials) in Microplan view. Values: ‘shopfloor’ or ‘plant’  
microplan_weeks Microplan weeks Optional parameter, which defines which weeks are shown on the microplan week-table view. Default values is [-1,0,1,2]  
no_worker_horizon_shifts No worker horizon shifts Parameter defines for how many shifts in the future the ‘No worker’ insight should be generated. It can take up to 10 minutes for the changes to be visible.  
plan_import_new_orders_skip_sim Set skip_sim for new orders If true, new orders will appear as unscheduled  
plan_import_scheduled_statuses_skip_sim Set skip_sim based on externally scheduled statuses Sets skip_sim flag for operations that are not schedulled in external system. If true, unscheduled operations will also be unscheduled in LEAP until they are scheduled in LEAP and saved to ERP.  
planning_beam_size SYSTEM    
planning_board Planning board If true, Microplan view will be available for this line-group. If automatic_scheduling is enabled, it is best to set this to false, so it does not to interfere.  
planning_break_orders Defines if orders can be broken into smaller chunks. Can order be broken into smaller chunks during automatic planning. Default is false.  
planning_can_change_workorder_line Can workorder change line Allow automatic planning to change workorder line. Default is true  
planning_complete_materials_at_start Complete input materials must be available at the start of the operation Complete input materials must be available at the start of the operation (no overlapping). Default is true  
planning_exact_tolerance Tolerance allowed when tracking materials exactly Tolerance allowed when tracking materials exactly. Example, 90% tolerance equals value 0.9. Default is 1.0 (no tolerance).  
planning_initiator Planning initiator Who initiates automatic planning. ‘cron’: a background job is run 1x per hour. In this case, there is no need for a planning table and is best to not show it at all. ‘planning board’: run the automatic scheduling manually via magic wand button, where scheduling parameters can be set for each run.  
planning_meta_optimization Meta-optimizations of enabled shifts to be followed in cron-initiated automatic scheduling. Defines how shifts are automatically opened/closed during optimization. ‘Max resources’: open a maximum number of shifts that can be covered by available workers. If people knowledge is imporant, enable people first. ‘Min shifts’: Turn off as many shifts as possible without creating additional delays. Just-in-time logic is used, so orders will be scheduled as late as possible, which means there might be closed shifts between orders on the same line. ‘Stock’: takes existing calendar and checks if any stock is not necessary to produce, and closes shifts accordingly.  
planning_mode Planning mode Mode of automatic planning. ‘Lines first’: if the number of people available is not a problem, then production lines are scheduled first. ‘People first’: If there is plenty of capacities on production lines but not enough workers are available, then people are scheduled first. This will also take into account workers’ competences. Default is ‘lines_first’.  
planning_order_operations_overlap Allow operations within the order to overlap Allow operations within the order to overlap. Default is false  
planning_override_shifts Override shifts Overrides existing enabled shifts and closes those that are not needed. ‘0’ means enable shifts with at least one person scheduled to work. ‘1’,’2’,’3,’ and ‘4’ means the number of shifts to start with. Works with meta_optimization value ‘min_shifts’.  
planning_ramp_up_factor Ramp-up factor for planning Ramp-up factor for planning - ‘warm-up’ penalty for the first 30 pieces.  
planning_setup_code_change_factor Increase of penalty for material-change when setup-code is different. Increase of penalty for material-change when setup-code is different. Specific for each use case. Default is 2.  
planning_smooth_needs SYSTEM    
planning_split_order_min_hours Minimal length of chunks in hours. Minimal length of chunks in hours. Default is 8.  
planning_table_horizon_days Planning table horizon Plan only orders with earliest start date up to ‘planning_table_horizon_days’ from now.  
planning_table_save_to_erp Enable saving to ERP Enable planning board save to erp button  
planning_table_save_to_erp_weeks Number of weeks used for recalculating simulation when saving to ERP Number of weeks used for recalculating simulation when saving to ERP  
planning_table_show_split_screen Show split screen planning table Show split screen planning table  
planning_table_unscheduled_move_days Move unscheduled orders when saving When saving to ERP, move unscheduled orders planning_table_unscheduled_move_days days from now. Default is 0  
planning_table_weeks Planning table weeks Number of weeks displayed on the planning board  
planning_time_horizont_buffer Buffer that the time orders starting in time horizont need to finish The time-horizon extra buffer to account for the time orders starting in time horizont need to finish. Should correspond to maximal order lenght. Default is 7.  
planning_time_horizont_needs Extra days beyond time horizont for including needs in the planning process The time-horizon extra days beyond time horizont for including needs in the planning process. Default is 7.  
planning_time_horizont_shifts The time-horizon for planning. Default is 42. The time-horizon for planning. Default is 42 (two weeks).  
planning_time_horizont_unit Horizon unit for automatic scheduling on planning table Choose unit for horizon on automatic scheduling on planning table  
planning_tool_setup_factor Tool setup penalty factor Tool setup penalty share in BFS score. This is multiplied with the tool setup criteria score. Default is 4.  
planning_track_customer_priorty Should planning account for customer priortiy Should planning account for customer priortiy. Default is false  
planning_track_input_material Should input-materials be tracked during planning. If true, input-materials availability will be taken into account during automatic planning, if planning_initiator is ‘chron’. Default is false.  
planning_track_stock_levels Should planning account for value of material on stock Should planning account for value of material on stock. Default is false.  
planning_use_material_codes Use material codes Use material codes in planning to compute changover times. Default is false  
planning_time_horizont_shifts The time-horizon for planning. Default is 42. The time-horizon for planning. Default is 42 (two weeks).  
print_only_assigned_lines Print only assigned lines When printing the shift-board, print only lines with assigned worker(s)  
rotate_opposite_direction Rotate opposite direction Parameter defines direction of rotation when copying previous week in shift-board, when using shift_preference_rotate strategy. Option true means 321 shift rotation. Option false means 123 shift rotation.  
shift_assignment_group_by_people Shift assignment group by people Parameter which groups the export of the daily schedule by people instead of grouping by lines  
shift_board Shift board If true, Shift-board view will be available for this line-group for scheduling workers.  
stock_forecast Stock forecast Shows or hides “Stock forecast”, “Out of Stock” and “Requirement delays” views. Forecasting enables warehouses to keep track of sales and anticipated demand, so they can ensure that the available stock is adequate to meet customer needs.  
stock_forecast_shopfloor_option_default Shop-floor only toggle default state Default state of the shop-floor only toggle. Default is true  
stock_forecast_show_safety_stock Show safety stock Show safety stock levels on stock forecast page. Default is false.  
stock_forecast_show_shopfloor_option Stock forecast show shopfloor option If true, the checkbox “Include only shopfloor warehouses” will be shown to toggle between displaying either shopfloor only and overall inventory level on stock forecast page. Default is true  
subcontracting Subcontracting Indicator that this line-group uses subcontracting. An additional view will be available in Plan tab.  
weekly_realization Weekly realization If true, Weekly realization view will be available for this line-group.  
weekly_realization_downtimes_view Weekly realizations downtimes view Incidator to show downtimes in dropdown  
weekly_realization_scrap_view Weekly realizations scrap view Incidator to show scrap in dropdown  
weekly_realization_show_workers Weekly realization show workers Optional parameter, which defines if worker names are shown in the weekly realization view. Default value is ‘true’.  



  • Title: name of the line
  • External ID: ID of the line in ERP
  • Weight: order position in lists


  • Aging
  • Asesembly
  • Cameraman
  • Control
  • Line-group lead
  • Non-work
  • Ordinary
  • Packaging
  • Pool This line is used as a container for other lines when scheduling people in Pool mode. Other lines will be automatically included in this one, if their common Linegroup’s has_pool tag is True. No more than one line per Linegroup should be defined as Pool.
  • Shift-lead
  • Sick leave If you select this type, make sure to enable the insights_skip_no_work_in_shift tag, so that unnecessary insights of this type will not be created.
  • Subcontraction
  • Tool setup
bottleneck Bottleneck Flag if this line is bottleneck. If false, automatic scheduling will not schedule this line. Note: if automatic scheduling is enabled for the parent Linegroup, the Line will only be visible on planning board if bottleneck= True.
calendar_line 21 characters long numerical string, each number represents shift of the week 21 characters long numerical string, each number represents shift of the week
capacity_factor Capacity factor How many work orders can be executed in parallel on the line. This parameters is used as constraint by automatic planning. When >1, simulation allows for parallel execution of work orders starting with time_start and regardles of capacity. Default is 1.
copy_week_strategy Strategy for copying shift assignments Strategy for copying shift assignments from previous week, for all lines in this linegroup. COPY;FOUR SHIFT ROTATION;SHIFT PREFERENCE ROTATE;SIMPLE ROTATE
ignore_prediction_model Indicate that normatives are used for predictions If true, predictions on this line will use normatives insted of historical data models
insights_skip_no_person Skip ‘no_person’ insight this line. Parameter that controls if insights of the type ‘no_person’ should be skipped for this line. Default is ‘false’.
insights_skip_no_shift Skip ‘no_shift’ insight for this line. Parameter that controls if insights of the type ‘no_shift’ should be skipped for this line. Default is ‘false’.
insights_skip_no_work_in_shift Skip ‘no_work_in_shift’ insight for this line. Parameter that controls if insights of the type ‘no_work_in_shift’ should be skipped for this line. Default is ‘false’.
insights_skip_plan_change Skip plan changes insights this line. Parameter that controls if insights of the types ‘plan_change_quantity’, ‘plan_change_shifts’, ‘plan_change_start’ and ‘plan_change_end’ should be skipped for this line. Default is ‘false’.
machine_external_id External_id of machine if available External_id of machine if available
overlapping_orders_line Operations can overlap If orders can overlap on this line. If ‘true’, automatic planning will use capacity_factor tag. Default is ‘false’.
multiple_machines_child Multiple machine tag Flag if this line is a child line based on its machine_external_id
multiple_machines_default_child Multiple machines default child external_id of default multiple machine child line
multiple_machines_parent Multiple machines parent Flag if this is a parent line, supporting multiple machine child lines
multiple_machines_parent_line_external_id Multiple machines parent line external_id external_id of multiple machine parent line
overlapping_orders_line Operations can overlap If orders can overlap on this line. If ‘true’, automatic planning will use capacity_factor tag. Default is ‘false’.
plan_import_output_stock Plan import: output to stock If true, operations on this line can output to stock. Default: true.
rotate_opposite_direction Parameter defines the direction of the shift rotation Parameter defines direction of rotation when copying previous week when using shift_preference_rotate strategy. Option true means 321 shift rotation. Option false means 123 shift rotation.
set_operation_time_start Set operation time start Enables setting time_start to operations on the line.
simulation_type Simulation type Type of simulation that is to be used for orders on this line. Default is ‘model’.
skip_autoclose_orders Parameter that controls if orders can be automatically closed when productions reach toal order quantity. Parameter that controls if orders can be automatically closed in LEAP when confirmed quantity reaches total order quantity. Default is ‘false’ and allows such automatic closing.
skip_planning Skip planning If true, planning will be skipped for this line.
skip_shift_board Skip shift board If true, this line will not appear in Shift-board view.
skip_stock_analysis Skip stock analysis If true, stock analysis will be skipped for line
skip_weekly_realization Skip weekly realization If true, this line will be excluded from weekly realization


Batch operation groups are special type of line groups. An existing line group can be defined as a batch operation group. Image


Batch operation locations are processing units, which take material from multiple orders and process them in a batch. They can be real machines (e.g. furnice) or virtual capacities (serving only as a way of tracking progress, e.g. air drying)

To create a new batchop location, click on the + icon in the left pane. Enter the location title, select which existing Batchop group it belongs to and define its capacity. Image

Stock locations


affiliated_site Affiliated site Indicates that the storage location is a part of another plant, but the stock levels can be seen in this plant as well.
derived SYSTEM  
production_site Production site Indicates that the storage location is available on the shopfloor.
safety_stock SYSTEM  
storage_site Storage site Indicates that the storage location is not available on the shopfloor, but can be retrieved with some time cost when needed. This stock will not be taken into account if “show only shopfloor locations” is checked in stock views. If the plant does not differentiate production and storage locations, that checkbox can be hidden from GUI by setting stock_forecast_show_shopfloor_option for Line-group to False
withdrawal SYSTEM  
work_orders SYSTEM  
yield_not_delivered SYSTEM  
*returns Returned items storage location If true indicates that the storage location is used for returned items.


Materials are listed in the left pane. Plant and material type (produced/consumed) must be selected from respective drop-down menus. When a material is selected, details are shown in the right pane: Image

type_external Type external A string that encodes the external type code. By default the type is not known. This value is read from SAp and is not to be changed.  
type_source Type source A string that encodes the external source that defined the type code (SAP for example). By default the source is unknown. An example is ‘SAP’. Not to be changed.  
skip_stock_analysis Skip stock anaylsis Ignore this material when doing stock forecasting and alerting. Default is false  
skip_planning Skip planning Ignore this material when scanning orders. Default is false  
material_subcontracted Material subcontracted Indicates that this material is currently being produced by a subcontractor. Default is false. Currently unused.  
complexity Complexity A string indicating material complexity. Works in combination with allowed_complexities tag in People settings to define which materials a person is able to manufacture.  
setup_code Setup code Code indicating setup id for this material. Will be used by planning together with a switch-matrix to indicate complexity of switching between certain materials.  
*parallel Parallel material Flag indicating this material is meta-material placeholder for parallel materials.  

- Non-standard data

These tags are not meant to be changed!

- Edit material in selected Plant:

material_subcontracted Material subcontracted Manual tag, indicating that subcontracting is supplying this material. Used for stock triggering. Default is false
material_subcontracting_lead_time Material subcontracting lead time Specify delivery time for chunk orders in hours.
bulk Bulk If true it indicates that the material is a bulk material. By default false. Not to be changed.
dummy Dummy If true it indicates that the material is a dummy (phantom) material. By default false. Not to be changed
subcontractor Subcontractor Automatic tag, indicating that subcontracting is supplying this material. Imported from SAP, used for stock triggering. By default false.
stock_requirements_import_include_types Stock requirements import include types Stock requirements import tags to include for the material
stock_requirements_import_exclude_types Stock requirements import exclude types Stock requirements import tags to exclude for the material




Workers can be added and edited here. An existing worker can be found via searchbox.

  • Show Inactive: if a person with status Inactive is to be activated, the Show inactive must be selected first.



  • External ID: ID of employee in ERP (e.g. SAP)
  • Active: disabling the Active status will hide the employee from shiftboard.
  • Adjuster: a tag will be shown in Shiftboard for this person to indicate that they are an Adjuster
  • Line-group: define in which line-groups they will be shown to be scheduled
  • Plant membership:
  • Allowed shifts: click on shift number to toggle between allowed and not allowed
reduced_worktime Shifts per week Number of shifts per week that this person is allowed to work.
max_h_per_shift Maximal hours per shift Number of hours per shift that this person is allowed to work.
allowed_complexities Allowed complexities List of complexities that are allowed for this person. Works in combination with complexity tag in Material settings.
shift_board_works_12h_shifts Indicates that the person works 12h shifts Indicates that the person is working 12h shifts. The worker will be highlited on the shift-board.

Edit competencies



Administrators only.


Administrators only. Image



Username Title Active Role Actions Impersonate Deactivate Line-groups Set PIN Set password Activate Reset password


Shows most recent data updates. Image


Shows evaluation of LEAP output forecast versus actual production output. Actual output is compared to LEAP data as they were 24 hours before the observed shift.


Manufacturing settings

Administrators only.

Custom files

Administrators only

Creating child production lines

When there are multiple machines for one SAP workcenter, we can create child lines to fetch production data, assign workers and schedule orders on individual machines rather then on one